The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1993 Jan-May

Television New Zealand
January 19 1993

Creche Case
Network News
Reporter Cliff Joiner

After a Christmas adjournment it was back to court today for the five Christchurch creche workers accused of abusing children in their care at the Civic Child Care Centre


00:00      MS Gaye Davidson, Marie Keys, Janice Buckingham, Debbie Gillespie and Peter Ellis, Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre workers enter Christchurch District Court depositions hearing accused of child sexual abuse.

WS public gallery cleared to hear further video evidence from children.

WS INT Christchurch District court-room with video machines and monitors.

GRAPHIC Peter Ellis faces 45 indecency charges, Davidson, Keys and Buckingham face four charges each, and Gillespie three charges .

0:46        END.