The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1993 Jan-May

Television New Zealand
February 9 1993

Reporter Vicki Wilkinson-Baker

Background to the depositions hearing involving the Christchurch Childcare Centre in which five staff are charged with sexually abusing children. The hearing is in its final stages


00:00      (LCT) background to the court case involving the Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre in which five staff (Debbie Gillespie, Gaye Davidson, Peter Ellis, Janice Buckingham and Marie Keys) were charged with sexually abusing children, the depositions hearings in the lower court are in their final stages.         

GVs RECONSTRUCTION of evidential interview of child and GRAPHICS of the charges laid and alleged incidents.

REPORTER Vicki Wilkinson-Baker to CAMERA re the case .

05:53      END.