The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1993 Jan-May

The Press
March 5 1993.

Creche charges to be finalised today

Charges against the five former Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre workers committed to trial on indecency charges will be finalised at a pre-trial conference today.

Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis, aged 34, was committed for trial on 42 of the original 45 informations against him. Deborah Janet Gillespie, aged 30, was committed on two of three charges and Gaye Jocelyn Davidson, aged 39, Marie Keys, aged 43, and Janice Virginia Buckingham, aged 45, were committed on four charges each.

Over the last few weeks Crown counsel have been drafting the indictments which the accused will face at their High Court trial.

The Crown has the option of laying new or different charges from those it presented at the recent District Court hearing which assessed the evidence against the accused.

Some of the accused may learn they now face no charges, possibly as a result of the withdrawal of one or more complainants.

If complainants will not be available for cross-examination at the trial charges based on their evidence must be dropped unless other complainants make the same allegations.

Under the timetable set by the High Court pre-trial applications must be started by March 15. Applications could challenge the admissibility of video taped evidence and seek the discharge of the accused for lack of evidence