The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1993 Jan-May

Television New Zealand
April 6 1993

Women Live
Paul Holmes

Studio interview with Gaye Davidson and Janice Buckingham after they had been cleared by High Court of charges of indecent assault in Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre case.


00:00      I/V Gaye Davidson and Janice Buckingham re cleared of indecent assault in the Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre case, the charges were brought against us as a result of disclosure interviews with children, sceptical of the whole process by which sexual abuse charges are brought against people, angry at the police and Social Welfare, the whole case just gathered momentum and got out of hand.

I/V Janice Buckingham and Gaye Davidson re the effect the charges have had on personal and family lives has been devastating, very concerned about other childcare workers throughout New Zealand and the state of childcare, the workers also need protection .

6:11        END.