The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1993 Jan-May

Television New Zealand
April 6 1993

Creche Women
Vicki Wilkinson-Baker

After six months of appearing before the court on charges of sexually abusing children in their care, the three remaining Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre creche workers are acquitted of the one remaining charge against them


00:00      (LCT) B/W SLOW MOTION Civic Child Care Centre creche worker Debbie Gillespie leaves the Christchurch High Court on Friday 6th March after having the one remaining charge against her dropped .

0:15        GRAPHIC ENHANCEMENT B/W ZOOM IN CU Gaye Davidson .

0:35        I/V Marie Keys re I have never abused a child anywhere .

0:39        I/V Janice Buckingham re I would not know how to abuse a child .

0:48        I/V Gaye Davidson re totally innocent .

0:58        I/V Janice Buckingham re I can remember sitting in cell and looking at this bed and thinking what has happened in this world if someone who is innocent is facing trial in the High Court, it is like everything has gone mad .

1:12        (LCT) Gaye Davidson shows a bullet that was sent to her in the mail .

1:18        I/V Gaye Davidson re I do not go out in case I bump into someone and I can't get away from them .

1:24        GVs accused women leaving court .

1:35        I/V Janice Buckingham re children I do not believe would deliberately tell lies .

1:45        I/V Gaye Davidson re lying is a very harsh word, I feel that a lot of them have been fed information through parents and other children .

2:00        (FF)    GVs Marie Keys and family members putting decorations on Christmas tree .

2:09        (FF)    I/V Marie Keys re we do not know what the future holds for us, if we will be here next Christmas .

2:19        (FF)    GVs Janice Buckingham and family putting decorations on tree .

2:24        I/V Janice Buckingham re I heard the Salvation Army band playing and I started to cry, Christmas is supposed to be a happy time, I thought next Christmas that I might be inside for something that I have not done .

2:35        (LCT) four women Debbie Gillespie, Janice Buckingham, Marie Keys and Gaye Davidson with their lawyer Gerald Nation outside the Christchurch District Court after the decision that they will face charges in the High Court .

3:07        REPORTER Vicki Wilkinson-Baker to CAMERA .

3:20        GVs Gaye Davidson and her partner walking dog next to river .

3:42        WS Janice Buckingham walking grandson in pram with two teenage children .

4:04        I/V Janice Buckingham re I got very angry when I realised the effect that it was having on my children .

4:10        WS Marie Keys walking along beach with her husband .

4:28        I/V Marie Keys re court case has put strains on our relationship but we will get through it .

4:36        I/V Roger Keys re I will never accept what has happened as being right, because it is not, shocked and angry, the way the police and Social Welfare have handled the whole thing is unbelievable .

5:19        WS woman sitting in a cafe .

5:26        AMATEUR VIDEO inside Christchurch District Court-room, hugs and kisses after the judge releases his decision that they all can go free .

5:36        CU opening bottle of wine ZOOM OUT to women cheering .

5:40        I/V Gaye Davidson re it took me long time to take in that what he said meant that we would not to go trial .

5:51        I/V Janice Buckingham re I cannot believe it .

5:56        I/V Marie Keys re relief that we have finished this part of what has happened to us .

6:05        MS people opening more wine and cheering .

6:23        I/V Janice Buckingham re I wonder why someone did not step outside and take a good long look at it and say hey look at this, it was like the investigation gained its own momentum and there was only one way to stop it and that was to arrest us .

6:30        END.