The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1993 Jan-May

The Press
May 28, 1993

Deferred sentence

A final-year law student, aged 42, earlier convicted of making a threat to a part-time lecturer at the University of Canterbury by threatening to injure him by running him down, was given a 12-month deferred sentence.

In addition, Judge Bisphan ordered Robert John Davidson to pay court costs of $150 and witnesses' expenses of $394.

Evidence at a defended hearing on May 20 was that the complainant, Mr Bruce MacDonald Curtis, was cycling in Armagh Street on February 16 with his young son on a seat on the bicycle bar when Davidson turned his car from Fitzgerald Avenue into Armagh Street.

There he made a U-turn, repeatedly sounded his car's horn, and drove closely behind Mr Curtis. Davidson then leaned over from the driver's seat and told Mr Curtis he would kill him and run him over.

In the course of the defended hearing, Davidson said he had no intention of running Mr Curtis over. It was a statement resulting from frustration with Mr Curtis over his unwillingness to answer to his behaviour towards him.

Judge Bisphan held that a threat to run Mr Curtis over with the intention of frightening him had been made.