The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1993 June-Dec

Television New Zealand
June 5 1993

Parents Guilty
Network News
Reporter Allanah James

The trial of Peter Ellis may be over, but the ordeal for the victims and their families is not. One family, whose eldest boy was one of 11 child witnesses agreed to talk to One Network News


00:00      GVs parents and children in lounge of their home

V/O REPORTER re the trial of Peter Ellis may be over, but the ordeal for the victims and their families is not, one family, whose eldest boy was one of 11 child witnesses agreed to talk to One Network News .

00:15      I/V mother of child witness (IDENTITY OBSCURED) re our child has been very angry with what has happened to him, which is quite fair enough, we've had a lot of toileting problems a lot of fears and anxieties .

00:26      I/V father (IDENTITY OBSCURED) re sleeping problems, eating problems, security, fears and worries .

00:40      I/V mother (IDENTITY OBSCURED) re he just doesn't go to the toilet at school .

00:48      I/V father (IDENTITY OBSCURED) re a mixture of relief and shock, relief that he had finally said something because up till then he had vehemently denied anything had happened in a very outrageous forthright manner which didn't really stack up.

01:09      (LCT) MS Rob Harrison, lawyer for Peter Ellis arrives at court.

01:13      (LCT) Peter Ellis gets out of car next to Christchurch High Court .

01:21      I/V mother (IDENTITY OBSCURED) re very angry that there are people out there that our son talked about who are still walking free .

01:41      I/V mother (IDENTITY OBSCURED) re the reason why I say that is because the detail that our son has given us is something that he could never have given unless it happened to him .

01:48      WS empty Christchurch High Court.

01:58      (FF) Peter Ellis enters court .

2:00        END.