The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1993 June-Dec

Television New Zealand
June 6 1993

Creche Crisis Part 1
60 Minutes
: Joanna Paul
Reporter: Jo Malcolm
Director: Paul Cutler
Producer: Heaton Dyer
TPA: Shege Johnson

Part one of a two part story. Profile of Peter Ellis, convicted child sex offender involved in the Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre scandal


00:00      TITLES 60 Minutes, TEASE .

01:24      PRESENTER Joanna Paul to CAMERA.

02:19      (FF)    GVs SFX SLOW MOTION Peter Ellis, child sex offender, walking to Christchurch high court INTERSPERSED         

I/V Janice Buckingham, Gaye Davidson, Lyn Aitken, Peter Johnson re Peter Ellis.

03:12      (FF) Peter Ellis walking to court.

03:21      GRAPHICS dossier of Peter Ellis .

03:44      GVs primary school teacher Lyn Aitken in classroom teaching children.

03:53      STILLS Peter Ellis as a teenager with Lyn Aitken's children.

04:05      I/V Lyn Aitken re Peter Ellis (as a teenager) had a need to draw attention to himself and always tried to prove to me that he was a homosexual, children loved him very much and gravitated to him like a moth to a candle .

04:29      (LF) GVs children playing at a creche .

04:47      REPORTER Jo Malcolm to CAMERA.

05:04      MS LA Peter Ellis walking down street .

05:09      GVs INT Civic Child Care Centre (creche), Christchurch, empty .

05:23      TRACKING SHOT Stephanie Hauiti, childcare worker, in her living-room .

05:37      I/V Stephanie Hauiti re trained as a childcare worker with Peter Ellis, I felt the kids really benefited from him being at the centre .

05:53      GVs mother and child playing with jigsaw puzzle, convinced her child was abused by Peter Ellis.

06:03      I/V parent re he (Peter Ellis) was over the top but at the time I felt staff kept the lid on his wackiness .

06:12      (FF) SLOW MOTION Janice Buckingham and Gaye Davidson walking to court.

06:26      I/V Janice Buckingham, childcare worker, re Peter Ellis is not a child abuser, there is no cruelty in him .

06:44      GVs TS Gaye Davidson and REPORTER.

06:51      I/V Gaye Davidson, creche supervisor, re Peter Ellis had a drinking problem and I had to warn him at work once but I would never have anyone in my creche who I didn't think was responsible.

07:11      I/V parent re we (parents) knew about Peter Ellis behaviour but were led to believe it was okay.

07:26      CU court portrait, Peter Ellis in the witness stand .

07:33      REPORTER to CAMERA.

07:50      (FF) Peter Ellis getting out of car.

07:57      I/V Janice Buckingham re Peter Ellis loved telling a good story.

08:01      I/V Gaye Davidson re a lot of what Peter Ellis said was meant to shock people.

08:21      GVs TRACKING SHOTS REPORTER being shown into Peter Ellis bedroom by ex boyfriend Barry in a house they used to share,   

I/V Barry re I think they (the allegations that child sex offences took place in the house) are absurd, I found him very conservative, he liked to tease people .

08:59      GVs TS REPORTER walking with Peter Johnson .

09:13      I/V Peter Johnson, supervisor of a child sex offender rehabilitation unit, re many of these offenders are very skilled at presenting themselves as normal individuals.

09:30      (SFX) SLOW MOTION Peter Ellis walking, INTERSPERSED I/V Janice Buckingham re I will definitely continue to support him,

I/V Gaye Davidson re I hope something will release him from the trauma he will have to go through,          

I/V Lyn Aitken re I don't think he will survive,    

I/V parent re I want him kept away from children because he is sick.

10:23      END.