The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1993 June-Dec

Television New Zealand
June 6 1993

Peter Ellis
Network News
Reporter Brent Fraser

Former creche worker Peter Ellis is to appeal his conviction on 16 sex abuse charges and co-workers from the Christchurch Centre say they'll fight to clear his name. Meanwhile, the building which housed the creche will soon reopen its doors to children


00:00      GVs building that housed the Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre standing empty

V/O REPORTER former creche worker Peter Ellis is to appeal his conviction on 16 sex abuse charges and co-workers from the Christchurch Centre say they'll fight to clear his name, meanwhile, the building which housed the creche will soon reopen its doors to children .

00:20      REPORTER Brent Fraser to CAMERA.

00:34      (FF) Peter Ellis (yesterday).

00:37      (FF) MS Peter Ellis' lawyer Rob Harrison enters court .

00:46      I/V Gaye Davidson, former Civic Creche worker re a majority of those charges happened at the Civic Child Care Centre, we have never seen anything happen at that centre to suggest that he is guilty of abuse .

00:57      I/V K▓▓▓ C▓▓▓, father of abused child re have faith in the system.

01:22      (FF) former creche workers who support Peter Ellis waiting for the verdict yesterday.

01:30      I/V Gaye Davidson re we would like an inquiry to blow the whole thing open to look at how the whole thing came about .

01:38      GVs EXT creche .

01:45      END.

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