The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1993 June-Dec

Television New Zealand
June 7 1993

Ellis Mother
Network News
Reporter Brent Fraser

The mother of convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has spoken out in his defence. Ellis was found guilty on Saturday of 16 charges of sexual abuse at the Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre creche, but his mother still believes he's innocent


00:00      MS Lesley Ellis looking at cards of support in her home

V/O REPORTER re the mother of convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has spoken out in his defence, Ellis was found guilty on Saturday of 16 charges of sexual abuse at the Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre creche, but his mother still believes he's innocent .

00:09      I/V Lesley Ellis, mother re my son is the one out there in jail, I think that everyone has been made a victim by this trial, the system has let us all down, he is not guilty of anything, we will get him out, I think he was in the wrong place at the wrong time .

00:46      (LCT) LS Justice Williamson in the High Court as the verdict is being read.

00:55      I/V Lesley Ellis re the Crown made the incredible credible and I now feel that the jury are now a victim of this case.

01:22      (LCT) MS Peter Ellis enters Christchurch High Court.

01:30      I/V Lesley Ellis re I have been told that he will be kept safe by the prison warden.

01:58      I/V Lesley Ellis re he was never abused by his father or me.

02:10      (FF) GVs INT Lesley Ellis waits for the verdict.

02:18      END.