The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1993 June-Dec

Television New Zealand
June 11 1993

Court Ruling
Network News
Cliff Joiner

The reasons why the three female Civic Child Care Centre workers who were acquitted of the one remaining charge of being a party to sexually abusing a child in their care were originally suppressed. Today after an application by TVNZ the judge agreed to make public his decision.


00:00      (LCT) 6 April 1993 SLOW MOTION Marie Keys, Gaye Davidson and Janice Buckingham leave the High Court in Christchurch with flowers in their hands

V/O REPORTER re the reasons why the three female Civic Child Care Centre workers who were acquitted of the one remaining charge of being a party to sexually abusing a child in their care were originally suppressed, today after an application by TVNZ the judge agreed to make public his decision .

00:14      LS through small window into the court showing Justice Williamson .

00:21      (LCT) WS three female creche workers cross the road to the court

V/O REPORTER re the women had been charged as being parties to an indecent act performed by Peter Ellis on a boy, the Crown claimed that this child gave evidence that he was taken to a house and along with other naked children was made to stand in the middle of a circle and kick each other, it was alleged that the women watched and laughed .

00:36      CU drawings done by complainant child X, showing the circle and the position of the adults .

00:50      GRAPHIC reasons for the discharge, insufficient evidence that a jury could convict, the jury may judge the three accused on the basis that they should have been alerted by Peter Ellis' sexual statements, the delay in the trial could have resulted in hardship for the child who would have to give evidence .

01:22      (LCT) WS TRACKING SHOT backwards, three women creche workers walk towards CAMERA .

01:27      REPORTER Cliff Joiner to CAMERA .

01:39      END.