The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1993 June-Dec

Television New Zealand
June 14 1993

Paul Holmes

Live studio interview Detective Inspector Brian Pearce, Christchurch Police on Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre creche investigation into child sexual abuse involving workers Gaye Davidson, Janice Buckingham and Marie Keys


00:00      LIVE STUDIO I/V Detective Inspector Brian Pearce, Christchurch Police on Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre creche investigation into child sexual abuse involving workers Gaye Davidson, Janice Buckingham and Marie Keys re we don't rush in to lay prosecution or charges of this nature, had meeting with head of our CIB, we called in the Crown Solicitor and our own legal officers, at end of meeting were satisfied case was established against the women.

I/V Brian Pearce re believes the women should have been charged, after 11 weeks of depositions hearings District Court Judge sent the women on to trial .

1:25        I/V Brian Pearce re that's being a little bit mischievous, the judge really relied on an amalgam of three reasons, the weight of evidence was one, the likely prejudicial effect of the Peter Ellis trial on the women was the other and the fact that a child would be required to come to court a second time was the third .

2:30        I/V Brian Pearce re the security of that child's evidence can be judged on the basis that the jury at the Peter Ellis trial in fact convicted him on three charges relying on the evidence of that child.   I/V Brian Pearce re we're talking about the credibility of the child and this jury found the child to be highly credible .

3:36        I/V Brian Pearce re specialists involved in interviewing this child are skilled and mature women .

4:14        I/V Brian Pearce re the point I was making when I was speaking off camera to you was that we've come in contact with a drug which is the most insidious drug I think that we have, the drug is pornography it's addictive and it's evil in every sense of the word, for a long time our society have mocked people like Patricia Bartlett, Graeme Lee, John Banks, really what I'm saying is I believe in a God who will not be mocked, currently I believe this country is actually now starting to reap the harvest of liberalism and of compromise .

5:20        I/V Brian Pearce re our investigators are trained to be highly objective.  I/V Brian Pearce re no I'm not sorry the women were arrested, accept this inquiry has had a significant impact on the women's lives and their careers but police when assessing charges really can't take into account status, profession or reputation.         I/V Brian Pearce re agrees child abuse is a terrible slur .

6:49        END.