The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1993 June-Dec

Television New Zealand
June 15 1993

Crèche Women
Vicki Wilkinson-Baker

Last night on Holmes Brian Pearce, the officer in charge of the Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre child abuse inquiry expressed his personal belief that crimes like those committed by Peter Ellis are caused by the prevalence of pornography and an ever increasing trend to liberalism in our society. The four female creche workers discharged by the judge hearing the case believe the remarks made by Detective Inspector Brian Pearce show that a full inquiry into the police handling of the case is called for, that the police could not have been objective when the man handling the case held such views.


0:00 (SF) INT police investigation room V/O REPORTER re last night on Holmes Brian Pearce, the officer in charge of the Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre child abuse inquiry expressed his personal belief that crimes like those committed by Peter Ellis are caused by the prevalence of pornography and an ever increasing trend to liberalism in our society, the four female creche workers discharged by the judge hearing the case believe the remarks made by Detective Inspector Brian Pearce show that a full inquiry into the police handling of the case is called for, that the police could not have been objective when the man handling the case held such views .

0:09        I/V Gaye Davidson re it (the comments by Brian Pearce) looked like it was connected to us, it was just one more bit of dirt to make us look guilty in the eyes of the public .

0:14        CU pornographic videos .

0:31        (LCT) GRAPHIC and    I/V Detective Inspector Brian Pearce re pornography is evil in every sense of the word.

0:43        SLOW MOTION INT house that Peter Ellis once lived in and where the police claim that children were abused .

0:53        I/V Gaye Davidson re I really feel they are trying to make it look like that they went along the right track and that we are responsible for it all, when we know nothing about it .

1:11        (LCT) AMATEUR VIDEO INT court hugs and kisses after the three creche workers Janice Buckingham, Gaye Davidson and Marie Keys are acquitted of the one remaining charge against them .

1:14        (LCT) three creche workers leave court with flowers in their hands .

1:20        GRAPHIC Detective Inspector Brian Pearce re our society has mocked the Patricia Bartletts and the Graeme Lees and the John Banks, I believe in a God who will not be mocked, currently I believe that the country is starting to reap the problems of liberalism .

1:34        I/V Gaye Davidson re Brian Pearce, he has got very strong moral issues which is fine but if he is using them against innocent people they should not be used .

1:54        END.