The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1993 June-Dec

Television New Zealand
June 15 1993


Remote interview with Lianne Dalziel in Christchurch and Trevor deCleene in Wellington after concerns expressed about remarks made by Detective Inspector Brian Pearce on the Holmes show last night over his handling of Civic Child Care Centre abuse trial.


00:00      REMOTE I/V Lianne Dalziel, Christchurch Central MP and Labour spokesperson on Justice in Christchurch and Trevor deCleene, former Cabinet Minister and barrister in Wellington who along with others have expressed concern about remarks made by Detective Inspector Brian Pearce of Christchurch police who was involved in the investigation of child abuse at the Civic Child Care Centre, expressing his own strong Christian moral beliefs about the case.

I/V Trevor deCleene re shocked over remarks, which were judgemental, danger in having police force, judges, anyone who takes own moral beliefs into arena of their profession, impossible to have almost missionary zealot beliefs and not have them influence your belief that children, women are telling the truth on a sexual abuse charge, at stage now where protection once there to prevent abuses of trial are whittled away, danger is if we have people with such missionary zeal prosecuting the cases they may lose objectivity in the pursuit of their profession.

I/V Lianne Dalziel re unfortunate that comments were made, distinction to be made, separation between power of church, state, judiciary, case went to court, decisions made on charges against Peter Ellis, lack of objectivity would have been dealt with at that point, when situation as serious as child abuse case police behoven to ensure they do thorough investigation, particular charges (against women involved) were referred to District Court judge, case was established, issue is whether Detective Inspector behaved in an objective way, person entitled to have Christian moral beliefs, on issue of call for inquiry there is ability for the individuals to lay a complaint, an option I'm sure they're considering.

I/V Trevor deCleene re shouldn't be an inquiry, women were acquitted, freed of charges, however are you ever free of a charge of sexual abuse, why I'm saying, before police bring charges before Crown prosecutors authorise them, got to be a great deal more scrutiny of children who make allegations, I wouldn't (if in charge, have allowed Detective Inspector Pearce in charge of this inquiry, having knowledge of his moral views) would put him in charge of burglary or murder which does not require a more judgemental or zealous approach.

I/V Lianne Dalziel re don't favour a public inquiry, range of interests to protect, children who were sexually abused, their families, people of Christchurch want to put matter behind them, get on with healing process .

5:00        END.