The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1993 June-Dec

Television New Zealand
June 22 1993

Reporter: Cliff Joiner

Civic Child Care Centre creche worker Peter Ellis is tonight beginning a 10 year prison sentence for child sex abuse. Parents of children involved say Ellis has got what he deserves. However his supporters are still protesting his innocence, despite what the judge described as a carefully considered verdict.


0:00        SLOW MOTION Peter Ellis walking in front of the Christchurch High Court

V/O REPORTER re Civic Child Care Centre creche worker Peter Ellis is tonight beginning a 10 year prison sentence for child sex abuse, parents of children involved say Ellis has got what he deserves, however his supporters are still protesting his innocence, despite what the judge described as a carefully considered verdict .

0:22        I/V Gaye Davidson, former creche supervisor re I do not believe in what the judge has said, I have seen the evidence, they used it against me and the other women in the case and I know that that evidence was contaminated .

0:35        GRAPHIC re the comments from Mr Justice Williamson re a well considered verdict .

0:48        I/V Debbie Gillespie, former creche worker re the justice system is a farce .

0:58        WS SLOW MOTION the backs of the parents of the child complainants .

1:04        WS Detective Inspector Brian Pearce enters Christchurch High Court

V/O REPORTER re his former colleagues want an inquiry into the investigation .

1:18        END.