The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1993 June-Dec

Television New Zealand
July 23 1993

Reporter: Paul Holmes

Studio interview John Banks discussing his claims that MPs who favoured banning discrimination against homosexuals, part of new Human Rights Bill, would soon turn to supporting bestiality.


00:00      STUDIO  I/V John Banks re his claims that MPs who favoured banning discrimination against homosexuals, part of new Human Rights Bill, would soon turn to supporting bestiality, I did not suggest that any of my parliamentary colleagues would send me used condoms, bombs or threatening mail at all

(REPORTER Paul Holmes asks why did you say it then?)

, most newspapers knew I didn't say it, why are you the only person in New Zealand that says I said it when reputable newspapers across the country got the point.

REPORTER reads out the Hansard report.

I/V John Banks re I would be sorry if anyone thought that was the message, gay activist people have had a very targeted campaign across the country to threaten me with death, send me threats.

I/V John Banks re you might think it's offensive but for some people standards and values are important, upholding a decent society for children.

PRESENTER interjects.

I/V John Banks re you're telling lies again Mr Holmes, you're getting excited, if you don't believe in a decent society, a small minority want bestiality legalised, does that concern you and your family.

REPORTER re if you are going to go on another tirade I see no point in continuing this interview.

I/V John Banks re do you want sexual deviants and overt homosexuals running creches like the man (Peter) Ellis?, I say no and am prepared to stand up and be counted, I will not rubber stamp stage two of this thing which is unnatural, unhygienic and unchristian.

I/V John Banks re would you be happy to have your two children belong to a youth club where an overt homosexual that talks about kinky sexual behaviour all the time would be looking after the interests of your children?

05:37      END.