The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1993 June-Dec

Television New Zealand
August 27 1993

Philip Smith

Child abuse issues recent publicity is making some parents paranoid about their relationship with their children, but counsellors say publicity should not change active parenting.


0:00        (LCT) MONTAGE empty children's roundabout, Peter Ellis, Michael Jackson, Joanna Paul presenter of "Scared Silent", all at centre of child abuse issues receiving publicity which in turn is making some parents paranoid about their relationships with their children.

REPORTER Philip Smith to CAMERA re backlash from parents mainly fathers.

GVs unidentified children in playground V/O callers on Newstalk 1ZB re frightened and guilty to touch daughters, don't trust anybody.

MCU "Leslie Centre, Child and Family Counselling" sign.

PAN to MS EXT centre who say publicity should not change the way a parent approaches his or her child.

I/V Ian Lambie, clinical psychologist re child abuse involves sexual gratification and gaining power and control, which is different from normal parenting.

MCUs empty roundabout in playground.

I/V Ian Lambie re really important men continue to be actively involved in parenting .

2:01        END.