The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index


The Dominion
March 17 1995

Call for public inquiry
by Alan Samson

Victoria University sociology professor Mike Hill said last night that it was time for a public inquiry into the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre affair.

He said the decision of Judge Tom Goddard cast doubt on whether the alleged incidents at the creche happened.

Former childcare worker Peter Ellis is serving a 10-year jail sentence after being convicted of indecency offences.

"The implication is that the allegations made were sufficiently bizarre not to be believed in any action for dismissal," Dr Hill said.

Dr Hill is widely acknowledged as an expert on ritual abuse and has studied a number of New Zealand cases involving abuse allegations.

He said last night that another recent court case where accusations based purely on recovered memory were dismissed highlighted the need for a wider examination that would look beyond individual cases.

The authorities who were involved in preparing cases against such people needed closer examination.

"Maybe this is the breakthrough," he said. "Maybe we will now start to see the reality."

Marie Keys, one of the four women party to the Employment Court decision who had earlier faced indecency charges, later dropped, said last night: "We're obviously very pleased".

But she also said the parties had agreed not to make public statements till this morning.

Earlier, former centre supervisor Gaye Davidson had described how, since her acquittal on abuse charges, she had been on anti-depressants.

She said she still felt so threatened in public she had her hair dyed so as not to be recognised.

All witnesses told the court they had felt the stigma of being associated with the creche.

Those who had tried to get work elsewhere believed they were still blacklisted by other childcare centres.

The lawyer for the women, Hans Van Schreven, would not comment.

Christchurch acting mayor Morgan Fahey said it had been agreed that any council reaction would be made through city manager Mike Richardson.

Mr Richardson also would not comment till this morning, saying an agreement had been made at the request of the claimants not to speak earlier.

Peter Ellis's lawyer, Graham Panckhurst, would not comment.