The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index


March 18 1995

Christchurch Crèche workers win $1 million compensation
Brian Harmer, Editor

A labour court today (Friday) awarded the childcare workers who were sacked when the city creche was abruptly closed, a total of more than $1 million.

The judge implied in his findings that the whole molestation scenario was suspect to begin with, and that the City, in failing to be loyal to its staff, branded them as molesters. 

Supervisor Gay Davison was awarded the largest share at $170,000. $30,000 was compensation for loss of her career, and the rest was lost wages for the period since the closure. Ms Davison is delighted by the findings, but says that no amount of money clears her name, and neither she nor any of her colleagues can ever work in child care again. No one could ever go back to a career in child care.

The women have pledged to continue support for their jailed colleague, Peter Ellis who was convicted of child molestation.


A Victoria University academic, Mike Hill (no relation to the jeweller) says a public enquiry is necessary. He believes that the whole scandal was a case of moral panic brought to NZ by a number of American "counsellors" in response to a wave of alleged "Satanic Ritual child abuses" in the US.