The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index


The Press
Friday, April 7, 1995.

Creche inquiry
Letter to the Editor
by John Dobson, Psychiatrist, April 2, 1995

I enjoyed Professor Michael Hill's historical review of satanic ritual abuse (March 31) and how mythology arises, reflecting changing attitudes in society. However sceptics, offended by evangelical fervour, ignore the solid evidence (not distorted by the adversarial court process) that some young children are subjected to distressing sexual molestation by adults which is likely to cause persisting adverse effects on their mental health.

Your editorial ignores the establishment of investigating teams with special training following the 1989 Ward 24 charge, and the TVNZ programme, shown illegally, about proceedings in the Children and Young Persons Court.

The core problem is the well-documented vulnerability to distortion and embellishment of recall by adults of traumatic events in their early childhood, especially earlier than age five. This has been known for decades. Sadly, Professor Hill wrecks his credibility by dismissing as a "psychiatric artefact post-traumatic stress disorder". This condition, subjected to several name changes since before 1914, is well documented as an adverse effect of combat experience during warfare.