The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

News Reports Index


The Press
June 27 1996

Book of sex offenders in Christchurch soon
by Martin Van Beynen

The book that caused controversy even before it hit the bookshelves should be available from Christchurch shops by the end of the week.

Alister Taylor Publishers Ltd yesterday announced the release of ``The 1996 Paedophile and Sex Offender Index'', which lists more than 600 New Zealanders convicted of sex crimes in the past five years.

The index is compiled by Auckland journalist Deborah Coddington, who is Alister Taylor's wife and deputy leader of the Libertarianz political party.

In an introduction to the book Ms Coddington says: ``As you read through this book you will meet some despicable and immoral people.

``I often wonder if those who attempt to treat these criminals ever confront them and tell them how much they have hurt other human beings,'' she said.

Supporters of the book have argued that sex offenders have been excused too long and need to be exposed in a format such as the index. Ms Coddington has defended the book, saying she was speaking out for the rights of victims.

``The book is a starting point, a first point of call to check on someone you feel uneasy about . . . It's simply saying these are the ones we know about . . . so be on your toes,'' the foreword says.

Critics have attacked the book on several fronts, saying it cannot achieve its purpose because of the large numbers of offenders who receive name suppression.

Others argue the index punishes offenders a second time and has the potential to drive those listed into an isolation from which further offending is more likely.

The index has been published without the promised photographs due to legal reasons, yet to be clarified.

It has many Christchurch entries, including one for Peter Ellis, the childcare worker convicted of sexually abusing children in his care at the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre.

``This case continues to provoke considerable debate in New Zealand,'' the entry says.

``Ellis maintains his innocence and there are many in the community who agree,'' it says.