The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

News Reports Index


Sunday Star Times
July 21 1996

Haden praised for courage
Letter to the Editor
by C S Harison, (Turua)

I could not believe my eyes when I read the brief comment by Frank Haden "Women know they must say no, no matter what" (July 14).

Perhaps the pendulum is actually swinging after all, to enable you to feel confident enough to publish so politically incorrect and punishable an article as that, and how brave Haden must be to have dared to commit such treasonable thoughts to paper.

Perhaps the "shrieking viragos" are so firmly in control that such a minor murmur can be ignored -- we shall hear no doubt.

Congratulations on voicing so clearly what I am sure most normal citizens feel about both subjects raised -- the supposed recent heresy of Justice Morris, and the disgraceful Peter Ellis affair.