The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

News Reports Index


Newsgroups: nz.general

July 30 1996

Peter Ellis -- Christchurch Civic Creche
by D McLoughlin


http://[email protected] (Harald) wrote:

>  Most of the evidence of this case has not been
>  seen by the public or by journalists, because it
>  was given behind closed doors. How convincing
>  it was is something we cannot know. It certainly
>  makes it impossible to investigate the case in a
>  way that would result in an unbiased report. Only
>  the defence is prepared to speak.


Evidence so secret that it hasn't been heard? After I was on Robin Harrison's show on 3zb a fortnight ago, Colin Eade, he who originally arrested Ellis, telephoned the producer to say much the same thing.... there was secret evidence that would convince anyone. So secret it was never put to the jury.


Well, I have seen all the evidence put to the depositions including all the suppressed documents and kids' evidence. I have seen all the evidence put to the jury. The only evidence suppressed at the trial was the voluminous material in Ellis's favour which the judge wouldn't allow the defence to use. Read about that in my article.


As I've already posted, I have also seen thousands of pages of documents none of the three courts saw.


Which is the secret evidence to which you and Colin Eade refer? I certainly won't have missed it... the police told me all kinds of amazing stuff that they believed, but had no evidence of. Is that the secret evidence? The police plied me with documents that the courts suppressed, such as "When Mr Playschool Came To Lunch" and the Option1/Option 2 letters. I cited these in my article. Read it. The police also plied me with intercepted letters from Ellis. Are they your secret evidence? That's in my story too. The police also tried to get me to watch pornographic videos and a snuff movie that had nothing to do with the case. That kind of material sickens me so I declined, despite being asked to several times by one of the leading detectives in the case. Perhaps that's the secret evidence. It's the only thing I haven't seen.


So read the article!
