Peter Ellis Org : Seeking Justice for Peter Ellis
The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

Ecpat NZ Inc.
End child prostitution pornography and trafficking
March 2001

Peter Ellis: guilty or not?
Denise Ritchie, National Coordinator/Barrister

Text Box:  
ECPAT Staff.  
Denise Ritchie sitting bottom right

The controversy surrounding this case is like few others, and continues. For almost 10 years debate has raged; most people have a view.

Last February Minister of Justice Phil Goff announced a ministerial inquiry to identify current best practice for investigating mass allegations in sexual abuse cases and to further determine whether they had been followed in the Ellis case.

This week Sir Thomas Eichelbaum’s report finds no grounds to set aside Ellis’ convictions, vindicating the testimony of children and professionals at the heart of the case.

Whatever your view, ECPAT points out that Peter Ellis has had more investigation into his convictions than probably any other person in our criminal law history.

To date:

o               a jury unanimously found him guilty beyond reasonable doubt

o               the trial Judge supported the jury’s decision

o               in two separate Court of Appeal decisions, seven Justices unanimously upheld the guilty verdict

o               former Chief Justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum found no grounds to set aside the convictions

o               two world experts from Britain and Canada engaged by Sir Thomas independently examined the evidence and reached the same conclusion.

ECPAT notes that the children’s testimonies have been continuously upheld despite most rigorous probing over 10 years at the highest criminal law level.