Christchurch, New Zealand

Wednesday, October 3, 2001

Page A3




By Donna Birkett


Former Christchurch Civic [Childcare Centre] worker Peter Ellis ... is finding the new book about his case to be like a royal commission of inquiry in itself.


Mr Ellis, 43, who was part way through reading the book at his at his North Canterbury home, told the Star yesterday: “What I’m seeing in the book so far looks like a royal commission of inquiry that’s cost the Government nothing”.


He hoped MPs, the Minister of Justice and Prime Minister read the book and let their consciences dictate where they should go. The case concerned alleged events at the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre.


Originally the creche was at the Arts Centre but later moved to the former Christchurch Girls High School building in Armagh St. In June 1993, Mr Ellis was convicted on 13 charges of sexually abusing children wider his care at the creche and was sentenced to 10 years in prison.


From the beginning Mr Ellis protested his innocence and refused to accept parole if was released as a guilty man. In February 2000 the law required he go free. He had served two-thirds of his sentence.