Christchurch, New Zealand

Wednesday, October 3, 2001

Front Page




By Amanda Breukelaar


The controversial book about the Christchurch civic creche sex abuse case will open old wounds for the children involved, a law lecturer says.


Wendy Ball, of Waikato University, who has spoken out for several of the creche families in the past, said the matter had been dealt with and should be now left alone.


She said the cry which had arisen following Lynley Hood’s book release was upsetting both the children and their parents unnecessarily.


However, Peter Ellis supporter Winston Wealleans, said old wounds were not being opened. A City Possessed was exposing the wrongs in the Ellis case and was “just another path to the truth”.


He called for a royal commission of inquiry, saying politicians and lawmakers who ignored the book would do so at their own peril.


“Anyone with half a brain can see the thing was wrong,” Mr Wealleans said.


Ms Ball said the judicial system, in which she had complete trust, had already dealt with the matter thoroughly.


“Other people’s opinions are just that, their opinions. My faith rests with the judicial system,” she said.


Mr Wealleans, a consultant, of Beckenham, said the book showed the judicial system was capable of creating and maintaining errors. An inquiry would bring back a belief in the country’s justice system.