Wellington, New Zealand,

Friday, 12 October 2001.

Page 2.






Controversial Christchurch Civic Creche case author Lynley Hood threatened to give her book launch talk at Victoria University using a loud hailer from the street yesterday.


This followed the 11th hour cancellation of the event by the head of psychology at the university, Professor Colleen Ward.


Her book, A City Possessed - The Christchurch Civic Creche Case, lifts the lid on the judicial scandal that led to the conviction and imprisonment of Peter Ellis. It is highly critical of a number of individuals, including police, social workers and academics.


On Wednesday, psychology school administration staff wrote to Dunedin publisher Longacre Press cancelling yesterday's event. The letter said: " I regret to inform you on such short notice that we are unable to host Lynley's talk here at the School of Psychology. Professor Colleen Ward, our head of school, was ill yesterday and all arrangements were made without her knowledge or consent.


"She does not wish for the school to host a talk for a book which she has not read, which is not relevant to the study of psychology and is highly controversial."


Professor Ward yesterday backtracked from the explanation given to Longacre Press, saying the psychology school "does not do book launches."


Ms Hood had subsequently been allowed to give a seminar on her research for the book, Professor Ward said.


Ms Hood said she had devised plan B - using a loud hailer from the street -- after receiving word of the cancellation. Her initial reaction was that it was an attack on freedom of speech.


"I was rather startled by the notice cancelling the talk," she said. "[An attempt to gag] was my interpretation of that cancellation email. Maybe I misinterpreted . . .


"[Now] I am just going along with what has been arranged and I'm still going to say what I was going to say."


Longacre Press spokeswoman Annette Riley said the book launch at the psychology school had been arranged by a psychologist at the school, Maryanne Garry, after another function fell over due to poor ticket sales.


Graphic: LID LIFTER: Lynley Hood's book reopens the creche scandal