Christchurch, New Zealand.

Wednesday, 21 November, 2001.

Page 10.




A City Possessed


Sir--Congratulations to Cynthia Hawes on her closely studied and extremely fair review of Lynley Hood’s book, A City Possessed (November 3). John Blumsky’s letter (November 9) on the same subject was also timely. The obvious miscarriages of justice highlighted so clearly in the book need to be kept constantly before the public.


Reading the book is not easy. To begin with it is 672 pages long, but every page has been assiduously researched and all the conclusions are supported by evidence.


lt is also not an easy read because of the strong feelings of helpless frustration it arouses, and also the overwhelming feeling of sadness for Peter Ellis himself, sitting through such inadequate and misleading trials.


Surely, strong and definite political action is now urgently called for.




November 10, 2001