NZ Early Childhood Research Network 2001

Fifth Annual Symposium

5 – 6 December 2001


Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology

Keynote Speaker – Lynley Hood


Lynley Hood is the author of probably the most significant study for early childhood education in our time.   Her book "A City Possessed: The Christchurch Civic Crèche case" represents scholarship of the highest possible standard.   Researching and writing "A City Possessed" began with the question of:  "What did or didn't happen at the Christchurch Civic Creche?".  In her keynote address Lynley will talk about her seven-year search for answers, and provide us with a glimpse of the issues and problems she encountered along the way.


Lynley Hood's previous books are Sylvia! The Biography of Sylvia Ashton-Warner, winner of the 1989 Goodman Fielder Wattie Award and the PEN Best First Book of Prose;   Who is Sylvia? The Diary of a Biography;   and Minnie Dean: Her Life and Crimes, a finalist in the New Zealand Book Awards. Lynley Hood held the Robert Burns Fellowship at the University of Otago in 1991.


Lynley is also a parent of three adult children and grandparent of one.  She holds a MSc in Physiology, has been active in several voluntary organisations concerned with parenting and early childhood issues, and has written many articles and delivered numerous lectures to scientific, medical and lay audiences on various health issues.   She lives with her husband in Dunedin, New Zealand.




NZ Early Childhood Research Network

5th Annual Symposium,

Christchurch Polytechnic,

 5-6 December 2001.


The New Zealand Childhood Research Network Annual Symposium provides a forum for sharing and learning about research in the early years of childhood and is for those who are interested in or doing research in, the early childhood and junior school areas.


The programme includes an extensive range of research papers and workshop sessions. The keynote speaker is Lynley Hood, who is the author of "A city possessed: the Christchurch civic crèche case". She holds a MSc in Physiology and has been active in several voluntary organisations concerned with parenting and early childhood issues.


The symposium focuses on research and research issues relating to children's education and care in the birth to 8-year age group. The symposium is designed to strengthen interest in the area of early childhood research and to nurture the development of researchers and research in this area.


NOTE: the NZARE Annual Conference commences at the same venue in the afternoon of the 6 December.


Call for papers closed on 30 June 2001. Enquires can be made to Dr. Sarah Farquhar, PO Box 58-078, Whitby, Wellington or Email: [email protected]. A copy of the proposed programme and registration form is available from the Child Forum website or can be downloaded as a pdf document here.