North and South

January 2002

(publication date December 10, 2001)



Page 12


At Last!


Thank you for November’s article by Lauren Quaintance on the Peter Ellis sex abuse investigation at the Christchurch Civic Creche.


I am a retired educational psychologist with an increasing sense of concern and dismay at the outcomes so far and am pleased to see the justified publicity given to Lynley Hood’s new book A City Possessed.


I wrote to Paul East, the then Attorney General, in June 1995, recommending an independent public inquiry examining all the relevant factors.


Since that date there have been numerous legally-based inquiries or reviews, but none in my opinion has come up with anything that has addressed all the relevant factors.


I must now say after my immersion in Hood’s book that I am starting to change my mind.  Here at last is the inquiry I have been seeking.  I wanted an independent inquiry and that is what I’ve got. I wanted the examination of all relevant factors, and I got that too. I can’t believe my luck.


But in all seriousness, this is a tome of massive documentation and singular excellence which should be studied in depth by all involved parties. I have no doubt this book will be the centrepiece of this case as it moves forward.


Peter du Chateau
