North and South

January 2002

(publication date December 10, 2001)



Page 12


Unwarranted and Ill-Informed


In my many years in publishing I have been involved in a number of controversies aired in the media and despite the frustration that poor journalistic research arouses, I have always felt it best to maintain a dignified silence.  The unwarranted and ill-informed attack on my sister, in Lauren Quaintance’s November article on Lynley Hood’s book has, however, led me to change my position. 


The report Anna wrote was confidential, prepared solely for the publisher, at his request.  The purpose of such a report is to honestly examine the potential of a manuscript, taking into account the target market, the style and standard of writing and research, given that the target market, public interest, legal risk and a host of other factors.


Also for the record, Bodyjamming was published in Australia three years before I moved across the Tasman.  The bizarre and tenuous “connection” made by the writer between the publication of this book and allegations of “hot-headed feminism” on the part of my sister is therefore entirely without a factual basis. 


There are no direct quotes from my sister in the article other than those carefully selected from her report, because your writer made no real attempt to interview her.  Even politicians are given a right of reply, but it would appear this journalist believes fairness and regard for a reputation that has been build over 25 years should not be allowed to stand in the way of a good story.


Should your magazine care to undertake some professional research you would find Anna’s reputation as an editor is second to none in this country.  She has worked with authors every day of her professional life, and I can say with absolute confidence that every one of those writers would voice their respect and admiration for her, both professionally and personally.


Your magazine has decided to cast doubt upon an impeccable reputation without even the right of reply.  Shoddy journalism at best, vindictive at worst.  You should be ashamed.   


Juliet Rogers

Sydney, Australia