Sunday Star Times

December 16, 2001

Page C6, Focus


Frank Haden


Once I admired Phil Goff. A most pleasant fellow to meet, he was one of the few members of this administration to show he had his feet on the ground, a man with the compassion his party professes but realistic about putting idealistic theories into effect.


Now he’s ruined everything with his blinkered refusal to read Lynley Hood’s book proving the unsustainability of Peter Ellis’s conviction. 


I’ve been sent these lines, in the style of Dr Seuss, written by Lynley Hood’s son David:


I will not read that book by Hood

I will not, will not, say it's good

I will just say the courts are right

I do not want to see the light

I will not read about that case

I am so scared of losing face

I will not read it fast or slow

I want to keep the status quo

I will not read it, so I say

I wish that book would go away

I will not read that woman's book

I will not even take a look

I will not read it, not a bit

In case I have to act on it