Sunday Star Times

December 16, 2001

Page A6


Goff Needs Moral Courage


Justice Minister Phil Goff (December 9) has misrepresented my position.  I am not an advocate for anyone involved in the Christchurch Civic Creche case.


He is being poorly advised.  Since A City Possessed was published many eminent legal authorities have confirmed that my legal analysis is correct; I have identified serious problems in the justice system which the government must address.


Goff’s attempts to bury these problems are making the government and the justice system look ridiculous.


He is wrong. The minister does not need the judiciary’s permission before he can instruct the governor-general to pardon Peter Ellis and establish a commission of inquiry.


If the royal pardon is to serve it’s proper function as a constitutional safeguard against judicial mistakes, the minister must find the moral courage and political will to act when it is obvious that the judiciary has made a serious mistake.


Lynley Hood
