Otago Daily Times
December 19, 2001

Peter Ellis
by A.J Lemm, Queenstown   [abridged – Ed]

In reference to the letter from Justice Minister Phil Goff (8.11.01) concerning the Peter Ellis Civic Creche court case, it seems he has a fixation that justice has been accomplished and cannot see that the book by Lynley Hood has any further relevance. This book does not attribute guilt or innocence but illustrates how the Civic Creche fiasco came about and offers an insight into how limited the Sir Thomas Eichelbaum inquiry was.

A few basic facts emerge: no factual evidence has ever been submitted as to Peter Ellis' guilt. The only evidence was of young children on carefully selected video tapes and their credibility could not be challenged in cross examination. To further complicate matters, 40 families were awarded $10,000 each, which helped to further distort justice.

I challenge Mr Goff to consider the findings in Lynley Hood's book, A City Possessed , and have the integrity to implement a commission of inquiry or pardon Peter Ellis. The truth will ultimately surface.