The Magazine For The Professional Woman Of Today


New Zealand

Summer 2001/2002 Issue 008

Page 5.




by Lucy di Maggio


Whenever a high-profile criminal case comes to court, we wonder: Is the person charged guilty or innocent? Will all the facts come to light? Just what is the truth anyway?


The case that rocked Christchurch in the early'90s, the Christchurch Civic Creche case in which staff member Peter Ellis was convicted of sexually abusing some of the children in his care, raised huge and bitter debate.


Dunedin author Lynley Hood, not only thought deeply about the case but went on to devote seven years of her life to delving into it. "I have always been fascinated by controversial issues," says Lynley, "and this one was most controversial.


"And when opinion is divided, as it was in this case, it raises the question, where does the truth lie?"


Lynley's seven-year quest for the truth culminated in her just-published book A City Possessed: The Christchurch Civic Creche Case.


Her search for answers took her way outside her comfort zone, she says, as she came across layer upon layer of questionable material. "I'm not suggesting anyone has a monopoly on the truth but there's a huge difference between lies and self-deception and verifiable facts," says Lynley.


At the time the Ellis case came up, Lynley was writing another book on a similarly controversial case that had taken place in New Zealand more than 100 years before, the Minnie Deans case, which involved a woman accused of murdering children in her care. And what Lynley found fascinating in both these cases, was how otherwise normal, intelligent people can believe the most bizarre and unlikely suggestions.


"The Minnie Deans case showed how unbalanced the scales of justice can be. A number of urban myths grew up around her (such as 'nothing will grow on her grave') which were also reminiscent of the witch hunts that took place in the 16th and 17th centuries.


"At a conference I attended in Australia in 1990, the Lindy Chamberlain case was brought up in relation to a child abuse case in the US where there were suggestions of satanic ritual abuse, then when the creche case blew up, I thought, 'here we go again,' " she says.


Lynley says she was aware of what the reaction would be to the allegations of child sexual abuse. "People react in an emotional way to things like that. I'm not suggesting that it's not a normal reaction, but it creates a domino effect in society and can cause what is called 'moral panic'.


"It sets off a great anxiety, normal people get caught up in it; this is inherent in all these kinds of cases. It becomes difficult to be dispassionate about the innocence or guilt of the person accused."


The phenomenon of scapegoating was also probed - "I read a lot about it" - to determine what bearing, if any, that may have had on the creche case. But no matter what paths she went down and how much she looked into the case, Lynley says she couldn't find a shred of evidence that proved Peter Ellis had done the terrible things he was accused of.


Therefore, it became increasingly important for her to reveal her findings, through the book, in a way that couldn't be "discredited, trivialised or ignored".


Other questions came up too, concerning ACC and counselling. "There was the issue of inexperienced people diagnosing sexual abuse at the taxpayers' expense, for example.


"It concerned me that people who were so-called 'experts' had told the parents of these children about the symptoms of sexual abuse, when what the children were doing was normal behaviour, but some of the parents regarded it as evidence that abuse had occurred."


She likens the reaction of the parents to 'medical student syndrome' or the similar mass psychogenic illness often connected to adolescent girls. "One faints and they all faint."


Lynley also drew on the expertise of other professionals including consultant psychiatrists, lawyers, counsellors, and medical ethics people, and when, with their help, she got the answers she was seeking, it was always clear, she says. "I wrote the book as I went along and as I did my research, so I knew when I got there that I had covered all the bases."


By any calculation, it was a huge effort, and one which involved not only time and effort, but also took its toll on her family life. "My children grew up and left home while I was working on this book.


"My husband had to compromise too, especially when times like holidays came around and we had to stay home because I was working on the book.


"But I never felt like stopping."


For financial support during those seven years, Lynley had a grant from the Arts Council. "I've worked it out at about 53 cents an hour," she says with a wry chuckle.


Still, the book is selling, as she puts it, "surprisingly well", so the remuneration should come. But for Lynley Hood, that's not the point. "I wanted to get to the bottom of it."


Peter Ellis has the book. He regards it as "a commission of enquiry," says Lynley. The conclusion she has come to at the end of it all is that there are flaws in the justice system that need to be addressed.


"The credibility of the justice system in New Zealand has been undermined."


But whether A City Possessed will prompt any action remains to be seen. The attitude of, the Government to the case, at this point, makes that seem unlikely.