The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 Jan-June Index

The Press
January 12, 2002.

What are you mad about?
by Warwick Roger
Warwick Roger is editor-at-large of North & South magazine

Over the summer break I read A City Possessed, Lynley Hood's colossal work of investigative journalism on the Christchurch Civic Crèche alleged child sexual abuse case. It's for the most part heavy going in its minute detail, but this is entirely necessary for Ms Hood to meticulously build up her argument.

I'd like to think that I played a small part in the debate. In the mid-80s, when I was editor of Metro magazine, I sensed that we were being sold a load of old rope by the rapidly expanding sex-abuse industry being driven by the likes of Hillary Haines/Lapsley and political lesbian Miriam Jackson/Saphira, who had insinuated themselves into positions of power and influence, not always with the benefit of sound research, and with the help of an unquestioning media.

This was the time of the infamous "one in four girls will be molested by the time they are 18".

Metro's Carroll du Chateau did splendid and important work exposing the machinations of an industry based largely on spurious statistics and fear-mongering.

What happened to Peter Ellis - guilty of nothing more than being a flamboyant nancy boy - was the' inevitable result of a collective insanity that descended on Christchurch to produce a climate of inevitability that someone would have to be sacrificed.

Remember: no evidence of the Great Christchurch Child Pornography Ring was ever discovered. No evidence of physical injury to the crèche children was ever found. No-one ever saw the alleged abuse take place.

It is impossible to read Ms Hood's book and not get the feeling that Christchurch ought to be thoroughly ashamed of itself over the matter of the civic crèche case.