The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 Jan-June Index

NZ Listener
Feb 9 - Feb 15, 2002.
Vol 182. No 3222.
Publication date: February 4, 2002

Unbelievable Abuse
Letter to the Editor
by Lynn Crook, M.Ed (Richland, WA, USA)

Dr Michael Corballis takes a provocative stance in his review of Lynley Hood's A City Possessed: The Christchurch Civic Creche Case (Books, January 26).

Discussing sexual contact between adults and children, he writes: "There are serious, still unanswered questions as to when affectionate touching becomes sexual, when sexual activity becomes abuse, and precisely what kinds of abuse are likely to cause serious psychological harm, and to whom."

Corballis might want to take a look at related research and local laws. Affectionate touching becomes sexual when the genitalia of the adult or child are involved. Although a small group of researchers would disagree, sexual activity between an adult and a child typically is not judged on whether it's abusive. Instead, it's considered a crime.

Sexual abuse may damage a child and this damage may range from short to long term. So why take the chance? Simply avoid sexual activities with children. As for whom the abuse harms, research has yet to show that sexual activities between adults and children harm the adults. The same does not hold true for children.