The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 Jan-June Index

The Press
February 19 2002

Peter Ellis case
Letter to the Editor
by G Mutch, Ilam, Feb 9

 N. Gillespie (February 8) should not single out Karen Zelas for her lack of response to Lynley Hood's book, A City Possessed.

Since the publication of Ms Hood's book,
silence has reigned over virtually everyone involved in the injustice to which it refers. And who can blame them? It must be enormously embarrassing, not only that Peter Ellis suffered such needless injustice but that thinking adults actually embraced the absurd notions surrounding it.

Although criticism has been levelled at parents of the children caught up in this absurdity, many
, the time, no doubt genuinely believed that their children may have suffered abuse. It will be the most galling of ironies if the only good Ms Hood's search for justice does is to confirm for these parents what they must already have come to realise.

Indeed, it is also ironic reflecting on the righteous principles that once inspired these parents.