The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 Jan-June Index

The Press
February 21 2002

Ellis case
Letter to the Editor
by Tighe Instone,

G. Mutch (February 18) cannot state categorically what did or did not happen to the children who attended the Christchurch Civic Creche [sic] any more than Lynley Hood can. Only the children themselves can do that, and many of them already have.

The publication of Hood's A City Possessed does not appear to have added anything new to the debate re Ellis' guilt or innocence. It probably has added to, and perpetuated the myth that massive hysteria surrounded the case.

G. Mutch would do well to add to his/her ironic reflections on righteous principles the absurd notion that an expose of a High Court Judge who visited sex sites on his judicial computer could appear on the front page of the same edition of The Press as his/her letter.