The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 Jan-June Index

New Zealand Doctor
February 27, 2002

Sexual abuse case drop no surprise
Letter by Ross Ogle

Dr Patrick Kelly, esteemed paediatrician and head of the Child Abuse Team at Starship Hospital, has been reported in the national media as "puzzled by the dramatic drop-off in reported sexual abuse of children".

The answer is pretty obvious to the rest of us, at the risk of popping Patrick's bubble, may I suggest that he in his spare time read A City Possessed by Lynley Hood, about the Christchurch Civic Creche case and Peter Ellis. He then may appreciate that it is no coincidence that the rate of reported sexual abuse dropped when ACC stopped paying people $10,000 for each case that fertile imaginations could dream up.

The sexual abuse industry laws had a field day inflicting "recovered memories" on vulnerable individuals. ACC saw the light, turned off the gravy tap and presto the reporting rate dropped.

In April ACC will once again begin paying lump sums. I hope they will require the same burden of proof that they demand for other physical injuries. Child sexual abuse is repugnant to all of us, but so is financially rewarding wrongful or unproven accusations.

Dr Kelly and his team are doing a fine job, let's not spoil it by creating a system for fringe operators to abuse.