The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 Jan-June Index

Otago Daily Times
March 4, 2002

Peter Ellis
Letter to the Editor
by Ian Morgan
, Weston [Abridged. - Ed.]

I am extremely concerned that nothing further is being done to reopen the Peter Ellis case. As a retired school principal, I am more than just aware of how easily it is to put suggestions into young minds and it is not very long before these are believed as being true.

Having read the book A City Possessed , I am convinced that none of the events took place for which Ellis was imprisoned.

Justice Minister Phil Goff has stated that he is not going to read the book by Lynley Hood and is not interested in discussing the Ellis case any more, preferring to rest on the findings of the Chief Justice. These findings are seriously flawed, only going over the "evidence" and not looking at how it was obtained, as well as looking at how impossible all these supposed happenings could have occurred when the building layout is considered.

If Mr Goff has neither the time nor inclination to read Mrs Hood's book, then he has a completely closed mind about new evidence and should step aside so that justice in the Ellis case can be seen to be done.