The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 Jan-June Index

Otago Daily Times
April 11 2002

Peter Ellis
by Godfrey Bell, Auckland

I congratulate Ishbel Macdonald and her friends on taking the stance not to vote Labour if the Minister of Justice does not read Lynley Hood's A City Possessed. His refusal to do so is both extraordinary and alarming. Lynley Hood's book is unsettling for New Zealanders and we look to the minister to take the opportunity to share the grave concerns it raises.

The book cannot be dismissed. The editorial in the respected New Zealand Law Journal states that "one of Lynley Hood's achievements as a non-lawyer is an astute criticism of the shortcomings of the various methods available to review criminal convictions". I have yet to hear a plausible reason from the Minister of Justice explaining why he should not read the book. Perhaps he simply cannot be bothered to? Little wonder Ishbel Macdonald is a disillusioned labour voter.