The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 Jan-June Index

Otago Daily Times
April 27 2002

Peter Ellis
Letter to the Editor  [Abridged. - Ed.]
by J K Gallagher,

A City
Possessed can upset only those who haven't read it. Attention, Phil Goff. Lynley Hood explains, very clearly, a phenomenon that occurred and the reasons that ancient malaise, mass-hysteria, took Christchurch over because (as Hood's extraordinary amount of research reveals) the time was right. The social factors involved made it inevitable. No one in Christchurch was necessarily immune.

Well then, Christchurch was in the grip of a mass-hysteria about child abuse and we have an interesting legal problem. Why should the jurors in the trial of Peter Ellis have been exempt? Whether Peter Ellis did any of the acts he was charged with becomes almost irrelevant. He was simply a victim of a circumstantial accident, and in the same position as if he had been hit by a tornado or engulfed by a tidal wave.

Phil Goff need not worry that his department will be clobbered by a claim for compensation; the wall of silence erected by state broadcasting between Lynley Hood and the public can come down (Hood's letter to the Listener December 21); and sweetness and light can return. That is, for everyone except Peter Ellis. On the other hand, as the victim of a natural disaster he must qualify for a claim under the Earthquake and War Damage Act. Now there's a case to argue.