The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 Jan-June Index

The Evening Post
May 2, 2002

What do police want to prove?
Letter to the Editor
by Gavin Dillon,
Upper Hutt

Your front page picture (The Evening Post, April 24) showed "partners in crime-busting" Detectives M Oxnam and S Wildon, both beaming with satisfaction.

Lower Hutt locals, together with the rest of New Zealand, congratulate the police on solving two serious crimes in the Wellington region, an unenviable task most of us would want to disown.

The police's profile has never been so high. On page 4, however, the same day, you also published a heading Police Widen Christchurch Abuse Probe. The case is eight years old, the person (Peter Ellis) has been convicted, served time and released. What are the police trying to prove?

Is it possible that Dunedin author Lynley Hood, in her book A City Possessed, demonstrates her prowess as a crime-buster in showing the police up as well behind the eight-ball and losing their way?

The credibility of the police here takes a dive. I hope their future investigative abilities will maintain the shine they bask under today.