The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 Jan-June Index

Christchurch Citizen
May 3 2002

Surely we are not in for a further period of witch-hunting?
by Nick Lindo

Ellis re-visited? Can it really be true that yet another charge of "child abuse" is about to be brought against Peter Ellis, this one from a now 20-year-old who appears to feel he missed out on the orgy of hysteria and false accusation, rampant in Christchurch during those disgraceful days of 1992/3?  And repeated since.

Surely we are not in for a further period of witch-hunting when "experts" display their "expertise" and victims have to be found to justify their mastery of a subject beyond the understanding of even the most gifted of the rest of us.

Is there to be generated a new environment of hate, distortion and cruel manipulation again designed to showcase the intellectual superiority of those "in the know" who can recognise, categorise and compartmentalise down to the last detail the behaviour of the tiny infant through to the cheerful five year-old?

Are we once more about to be asked to believe that the everyday responses of those very, very young are, almost without question, to be interpreted as undoubted indicators of the sexually abused?

Will it be Salem re-visited? That primitive settlement in Massachusetts of the 1690s where accusations of witchcraft and "consorting with the devil" were levelled, willy-nilly, against even the most respectable of society, but usually the most vulnerable, until the point was reached where vengeance stalked the streets and old scores were settled.

Anyone lucky enough to see The Court's wonderful production, a few years ago, of Arthur Miller's riveting play, The Crucible, will know what I'm talking about. He was, of course, concerned primarily with the anti-communist hysteria of his day, being fomented by Senator McCarthy, particularly as it affected those in the entertainment industry.

If anyone could be proven to be guilty of "un-American activities" their career was almost certainly over and they became an outcast, however unlikely that may have seemed to those who had known that person for years.

But then hysteria is not renowned for its ability to make what we would now call "value judgments" so if the atmosphere can be created within which it is accepted without question that "out there" there are witches, and/or closet communists or, in our case, rampant sex-abusers, particularly if they are known homosexuals and therefore a bit "different", no one should be in any doubt but that they are guilty as charged.

Of course they are, for on hand are the experts to prove them so. In Salem there was just such an "expert", the Reverend John Hale, by name, who had the supreme gift of being able, unerringly, to detect witchcraft whenever it reared its monstrous head.

If the Rev. Hale diagnosed witchcraft the fate of the accused was sealed.Hale was " eager-eyed intellectual who, on being called to ascertain witchcraft, felt the pride of the specialist whose unique knowledge has at last been publicly called for." Unfortunately for Hale, after he had consigned, in his portentously knowledgeable way, many hundreds of the locals to death by hanging, it began to dawn on him that there might be a flaw in his "God-given" reasoning. And what's more, the people, after their community had been torn to pieces by the Rev. Hale's "expertise", came to the same, angry conclusion, which in turn persuaded Hale to make a "strategic withdrawal" before he, too, found himself on the wrong end of a rope.

Senator McCarthy, also, if in a less dramatic though equally self-deflating, manner, discovered, in the end, that he had over-reached himself and fallen on the other side. "Vaulting ambition" had done for him. You see, if you feel compelled to initiate an environment, whatever its immediate focus, it stands to reason there must be people out there who, according to the precepts of this new culture, are certainly being disadvantaged and probably abused. Thus the proof, as well as the success of your new philosophy, is dependent on your being able to identify those victims whom your doctrine is designed to assist. Without them, you're an expert without a cause, a situation of considerable wretchedness, which is why the Rev. Hale, senator McCarthy, and one or two others down the years we might name, so needed their witches and their "red Americans".

And if there seems to be some similarity between those glimpses from the past and what happened here about 10 years ago then I'm sure you'll agree, we do not want a repeat of it. Many supposedly sane and rational people in various high places, and people who should have known better, allowed themselves to swallow the "party line" of the day and accept as gospel a flawed and self-serving doctrine, which had the added advantage of being unchallengeable.

You see both the Rev. Hale, senator McCarthy and others of their ilk, before, between and since have an answer for any apparent inconsistency in their theology. A denial, an obvious variation in an accused's behaviour from the definitions laid down in their text can always be explained away as "typical" of the guilty or of a "victim" who is turning out to be difficult to get to conform to the desired pattern. Thus, it is a fail-safe system which once having ascended to the moral high ground can sweep all before it.

That it is why it is so invidious and so hard to discredit and why, never again, do we want it here. Even when a "victim" wishes to retract his or her original allegation that, too, is "typical" and to be ignored unless, of course, by then, - as with Rev. Hale - it suits the architects of the dogma concerned.

Lynley Hood, in her admirable analysis of the notorious crèche case, A City Possessed, makes blindingly clear the errors of those dark days.

Not only was Peter Ellis's life ruined but also those of four wholly innocent and devoted female child care workers, all the victims of a modern hysteria and a carefully orchestrated witch hunt. I understand Phil Goff has so far refused to read Hood's book. He should do so forthwith. Justice is still justice, however long it takes.