The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 Jan-June Index

The National Business Review
May 3, 2002

New findings in controversial Ellis case
by Deborah Hill Cone

The emotive Peter Ellis case is set to re-ignite, with a new poll out today showing most people think the convicted child abuser is innocent, ahead of new legal proceedings to be filed.

The National Business Review-Compaq poll found 51% of people now believe Ellis was not guilty of sexual abuse at the Christchurch crèche.

That was double the 25% who thought he was guilty, or 24% who were unsure or refused to answer.

Mr Ellis' lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr QC revealed to NBR this week that she was preparing to take the Ellis case to the Privy Council "before it disappears."

She said she expected to take action within a month, with the first step the filing of a petition to seek special leave from the London law lords to proceed with an appeal.

Ms Ablett-Kerr said the challenge centred on points of law related to the Court of Appeal's decision not to revisit the whole case.

She was not surprised by the NBR-Compaq poll findings.

"It is entirely consistent with the feedback one gets ... I get a constant inflow of written support," Ms Ablett-Kerr said.

No poll of this kind has been undertaken about the Ellis case before.

  - Poll details - page 16