The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 Jan-June Index

The Press
June 25, 2002

Ellis letters pour in but Goff unmoved
by Martin Van Beynen

The letters keep coming but Justice Minister Phil Goff appears immovable on his stance on the Christchurch creche case book A City Possessed. The 600-page book by Dunedin author Lynley Hood throws the guilt of creche worker Peter Ellis into serious question and points to flaws in the way the justice system handles complaints of sexual abuse.

The book has sparked a flood of letters to Mr Goff who has so far not found the time to read the book himself.  In the latest chapter of the saga the Ministry of Justice has prepared a briefing paper on the book which Mr Goff has studied but not sufficiently to expound on it. Yesterday, through a spokesman, he said he had read the appraisal but wanted to study it further before making any comment.

"The briefing document from Justice was just that and isn't intended to be the basis for me to commence any new proceedings. "However, notwithstanding the fact that Mr Ellis has had his case examined by a jury before the High Court, two Courts of Appeal, and a Ministerial Inquiry headed by the former Chief Justice, he is still welcome to make a fresh application for the exercise of the Royal Prerogative of Mercy if he or Mrs Hood believe there is any fresh evidence not already examined by any of those bodies," he said.

Hood said one of the main points of the book was that none of the bodies referred to by Mr Goff had looked at the case properly. "One of the important points is that the Court of Appeal is set up so it cannot correct its own mistakes."  Its requirement for fresh evidence before a case could be reopened gave it a good excuse not to look at a matter again, she said. Mr Goff did not need the permission of the judiciary to pardon Peter Ellis and could do so if he had the political will and the moral courage. "The whole point is to override the judiciary when it has gone off the rails," she said.

Apart from the issue of Peter Ellis' guilt or innocence, Mr Goff still had to address the shortcomings in the justice system the book had exposed. "Mr Goff has been seriously misled if he believes my book is just about the guilt or innocence of Peter Ellis. People have been writing to them about this. "If these problems are not addressed we will all continue to be at risk of having lives and our families and our communities ripped apart by false allegations of sexual abuse."