The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 Jan-June Index

The Nelson Mail
June 28, 2002

Calls for inquiry growing: author

Dunedin author Lynley Hood's A City Possessed has been named the winner of the history section of this year's Montana New Zealand Book Awards.

The 600-page book gives an account of the controversial Christchurch Civic Creche case, which led to the jailing of creche worker Peter Ellis in 1993 on child sex abuse charges.

Hood spoke to a group of senior students at Nelson College about the demonisation of the accused in sexual abuse cases, during a visit to the city this week.

Ms Hood also spoke at the Spirited Conversations group meeting on Wednesday night, where she opened a discussion on the legal issues raised in her book.

Ms Hood said there was a growing demand in the legal profession for a judicial inquiry into the issues raised in her book.

These ranged from therapists creating false memories in alleged abuse victims, to the Court of Appeal's refusal to review its decisions without new evidence. As one of seven section winners, Hood's work , is on the shortlist for the major non-fiction prize, the Montana Medal.

The medal winners will be named at an Auckland function on July 20.