The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2003 - Jan-May


Otago Daily Times
April 15 2003

Peter Ellis
Letter to Editor, by Suzanne George, Dunedin

[Abridged. - Ed.]

I perceive a mind-set and inconsistency in Lynley Hood's research into alleged child sexual abuse in her book, A City Possessed. She states (ODT, 19.2.03), "credibility will be destroyed if [biographers] ignore their responsibility to tell readers the whole story, without fear or favour". That rule applies to all so-called academia. I challenge the apparent failure to fully investigate why, during the 1970s, a critical mass of women (not necessarily radical feminists) took decisive action against both sexual and domestic violence, why there was a proliferation in women's studies courses, and a perceived failure to fully explore recovered memory, among other one-sided inconsistencies.

Since publication of her book, Ms Hood has emotively criticised the so-called witch-hunt of "sexual abuse hysteria" - judges accessing website sex movies, schoolmasters accessing website child pornography, worldwide exposure of Roman Catholic paedophile priests, sexual harassment, ACC payouts, CYFS.

Justice Minister Phil Goff has again stated her book uncovered no new evidence worthy of fresh investigation. An apparent lack of reasoned argument leaves me at a loss to know where Ms Hood draws her ethical line in the sand. It is wrong to demonise any class of people, particularly the sexually abused.