The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2003 - Jan-May


Otago Daily Times
April 29 2003

Peter Ellis
Letter to Editor, by Suzanne George, Dunedin

On my lawyer's advice, I tried to read Lynley Hood's A City Possessed, but I perceived a mindset and selective bias which I found insulting to my intelligence and my own research. My lawyer interacts with social workers and they try to deal with the sexual abuse epidemic. I suggest Ms Hood interview them and stop blaming the victim. I believe her public statement that poor women will make easy pickings of the $10,000 ACC compensation by making false claims for sexual abuse, reveals prejudice from what I regard as her sheltered, protected, middle-class lifestyle. I also believe it makes a mockery of her claim that demonising any class of people is wrong.

Ms Hood states, "I don't pretend to have any answers." Male professionals are now publishing books with solutions and many books have been published revealing sexual abuse within New Zealand. Why these books never came to Ms Hood's attention is beyond me, a non-academic. I believe strings of adjectives or publicly stating that I do not know what I'm talking about ( ODT, 22.4.03) is hardly rational debate. My honest opinion of her so-called academic investigation into "sexual abuse hysteria" and subsequent public comments: merely "sexual abuse denial".